3 Ways Minimalism Won’t Change Your Life but YOU can

I’m always sharing the power of minimalism. While I am still a firm believer in it, today I’m sharing three ways minimalism won’t change your life…but you can!

I’ve heard so many paint such a rosy picture of minimalism. No more debt, no more mess, no more stress. I wish for anything that was the truth. Unfortunately, minimalism won’t change your life unless YOU change your life. Let’s look at the top three ways people often misunderstand minimalism.

Minimalism means no more debt…right?

Wrong. Can it? Sure! It takes discipline to get out of debt, just like it takes discipline to become a minimalist. You have to change the way you spend to change your debt situation. I read the other day that the average American family carries about $145,000 of debt. Between education, cars, homes, and credit cards, it’s super easy to let the debt stack up. Getting rid of your possessions won’t magically pay your credit card off. BUT by changing your spending habits, and applying what you’d spend on excess purchases to your monthly debt, YOU can change your debt load. Minimalism won’t change your debt load. YOU will.

Minimalism means no more mess…right?

This is the lie that I believed. While less possessions means less to pick up, it does NOT mean no more mess. Our house still gets awfully messy every single day. We live here. It’s ok. It does mean that it takes me less time to clean things…because there are less things to clean.

Minimalism means no more stress, and tons of extra time…right?

WELLLL…not exactly. Why the house isn’t nearly as stressful as it used to, and I do spend less time cleaning, I can still over extend myself. That, as we know, creates stress and zaps my “extra” time. It’s been easy to fall into the trap of thinking, “I have more free time, so I can volunteer for that. I can participate in that. I can sign the kids up for this.”. While this is true, it’s been VERY easy to fill our schedules too full. You know what that’s doing? The opposite of what I’ve worked hard to achieve… zapping my goal of simplicity. Learning to say NO and focus on my priorities is what is freeing my schedule and eliminating the stress.

Interested in Minimalism? Check out these posts.

While minimalism in and of its self won’t change those three things, YOU can. Just like anything worth achieving in life it takes discipline and focus. I am a FIRM believer in having less stress, less debt, and less mess, but it does come with work. The peace that it brings…It’s worth every second.

As always, thank you so much for stopping by and spending a tiny part of your day with me.

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