Our Minimal Bedroom Tour + How to Create A Bedroom You Love

We recently purged our bedroom of all of it’s heavy furniture, and unworn clothing. We were able to create a minimal bedroom we both love! I’m sharing a few tips how you can create a bedroom you love, too.

minimal farmhouse bedroom

Perhaps you’ve been around for a little while, and you read my blog post about pursuing minimalism. You know that I was fed up with the messy, cluttered house, and our bedroom was the WORST. After just a few days work, we were able to reduce our belongings in there by 80% and create a very peaceful, serene haven. I love the minimal bedroom we’ve created.
I started in our bedroom because I know that clutter interferes with how I rest. If the room is a mess, I can feel my stress level raising. Once it’s up, it’s almost impossible for me to sleep. Instead I would lay in bed and think of all the things I needed to do. Which really did nothing but continue to raise my stress level. That is the opposite of how you should feel when you’re laying in bed.

I was on a mission to destress our bedroom

I started on a mission to “de-stress” our bedroom. Which meant I had to majorly purge my clothing. This is something that I have wanted to do for a very long time, I just never thought it was possible. I’ll share soon how I was able to minimize my entire wardrobe in less than 30 minutes. I’ve been living with my “new” minimal wardrobe for about a month now, and I LOVE IT!

Once my clothing was minimized, I realized I no longer had the need for the very, very large dresser that took up the majority of our bedroom. It was amazing how much larger our bedroom felt once it was gone.
Getting rid of that dresser really sparked an excitement in me. I saw how much space we had by eliminating things we didn’t need or use, and the ball really got rolling then. I cleaned out my old hope chest that was FULL of old craft supplies. When I say old, I mean craft supplies from when I was pregnant with Eli. Old. I grabbed a trash bag, and started sorting. I really gained some momentum, and only kept two things out of the whole trunk. A basket weaving kit from our trip to Williamsburg, and a skein of yarn for my sister.
I was able to use my hope chest as a toy box in Emmy’s room, and it turned out absolutely perfect.

I continued minimizing everything I could…

…including the contents of our night stands. Mine was full of sweet little love notes, and various cards from my husband. I have recently started a few “sentimental” boxes, and added those things to one. Maybe that’s something else I’ll share one day soon.

After all of the unused furniture was out, we were left with two partially empty night stands, (that I can’t part with. I just can’t. I tried, ha!) our bed, Emmy’s bed, and Nick’s chest. It feels so good to have so much extra floor space in there. It’s the least amount of furniture we have ever had in our bedroom, and I love it.
I really never thought we’d have any space in our home that was minimal, and at the very least our bedroom. It has really been wonderful to not have the extra “noise” in there with all the big furniture, extra clothing, and misc. stuff that we collected.

How to Create a Bedroom You Love

  • REDUCE. You KNEW this would be the first tip, right?! How could it not be? Reduced stuff = Reduced stress. Look into it. There’s a real connection between how much stuff we have in our homes, and how much stress we feel when we’re there.
  • Nix the TV. We took the tv out of room years ago, and I will never have one in there again. There have been lots of studies done about why you shouldn’t have a tv in your room, but all I know is we go to sleep a whole lot earlier and rest much better since we took it out. There’s nothing to distract us. We like to read a little, turn the lights off, and drift off to sleep in our peaceful haven.
  • Invest in good bedding. This was hard for me. I hate to spend much money on anything. Spending a tiny fortune (Or what felt like one) on sheets was difficult. It was so worth it though. Crawling under the organic cotton sheets is something I look forward to every single night.

Maybe you’re not ready for a totally minimal bedroom, and I get that, but just by implementing a these three easy tips, I promise you’ll love your bedroom just a little bit more.

Since we drastically reduced our belongings in the bedroom, we’ve found we go in there a lot more just to think or talk over the parenting/life stuff. It’s so much more peaceful. I didn’t think the clutter bothered me in there, but obviously it did.

Have you been purging or decluttering lately? I’d love to hear all about it below!! As always, thanks for spending a tiny part of your day with me.

signature text sunshine valley

Here’s an image to pin for later…

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