FREE Oak Leaf Printable + A Little Life Lately

Add the perfect touch of fall charm to any space with this free oak leaf printable that I created just for you!

Are the leaves changing where you live? They are here in the mountains, and Emmy and I love to take walks in the leaves. She has discovered all sorts of fun shapes, colors, and textures. Per usual we brought back our handful of collections from the walk, and among them was this simple oak leaf. The more I studied it, the more I knew I needed to paint it. Problem is, I stink at painting…but, I can sure create a digital painting with the best of them. That is exactly what I did. I created this free oak leaf printable just for you!

I printed mine off with our printer, and hung it in a frame I had on hand. It added the perfect touch of fall charm to the living room. It would be darling printed off and used as a name tag, or even as a gift card, or a postcard on some cardstock. You could even cut a few out and make a sweet little fall garland out them, if you wanted. I love little things like these that are so versatile. I hope you enjoy seeing it in your home as much as I do in mine.

Life Lately…

It’s been busy. Fall is in full swing. The garden is fading, the leaves are falling, and the temperature is dropping. I wish I could tell you how much I adore fall, but that would be lying to you. While there are certainly many things I enjoy about it, it just doesn’t last long in West Virginia. It seems that in a few days the changing leaves are gone and won’t reappear for nearly 6 months. Winter sets in, and makes herself at home in these hills. I am not her biggest fan.

I do try to cherish and enjoy every season of life. Some of are easier to enjoy than others. The excitement of spring, the busyness of summer, the beauty of autumn, and the stillness of winter. There are many things to appreciate about which ever season of life we find ourselves in. For me, right now, with a very active toddler, and a homeschool high schooler, life is busy. Often busier than I prefer. I’ve been trying to make a point each day to slow down and balance the busy. I’ve also thought so much about how, as a generation, we seem to worship productivity. We feel so frustrated by messy houses, sticky fingers, and never ending laundry. What if we (speaking to myself here, of course) slow down enough to really appreciate how quickly the house can be picked up (thank you minimalism), how sweet those little sticky fingerprints are on the windows, and how blessed we are to have a family to love and care for.

I say to myself at least ten times a day, “slow down, Amanda…”. It’s not in my nature to slow down, but I’m trying to. Especially in this busy season of life. I want to soak it all, and make the best of every tiny moment I can.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you for stopping by today. I really do appreciate you, and I hope you have a great rest of the week. See you Friday!

signature text sunshine valley

Here’s an image to pin for later…

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One Comment

  1. I have worked REALLY hard on slowing down over the last year. I’m homeschooling my 5th grader and I promised myself not to over commit us this year and so far so good! It’s hard but these years are short and I love having time to just focus on my girls.

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