How I Plan to Simplify Our Home in 2021

A new year is here! It is time to set new goals, and focus on our plan to meet them. Today, I’ll share how I plan to simplify our home (and homestead) in 2021.

vintage crocks used as decor in dining room simple living

I can hardly believe we are in the beginning of a New Year. Can you? 2020 was a doozy for most of us, and I think we are all quietly holding our breath to set new goals and aspirations for the year ahead. However, this year my goal is to simplify our home.

If 2020 taught me anything it was that some things just don’t matter. All those canceled extracurricular activities…yeah, we can live without them. All that running around from store to store finding the perfect gift…Yeah, not necessary. What is necessary is how our home functions…Last year, our dining rooms were offices and school rooms. Suddenly, the way our homes functioned changed. Literally all overnight.

We had to uproot our schedules and routines. Everything changed. I learned that some rooms could function better to meet our changing needs, and to fit our new schedule. My plan to get it there is simple.

how to simplify life

My Plan to Simplify Our Home & Homestead

  1. Reduce – Clutter, clothing, and anything that isn’t being used regularly. Being home for weeks on end in 2020 taught me that we have too much stuff, and not enough house for it. Some of it has GOT TO GO. Every single room needs gone through, and belongings reduced. If it hasn’t been used its going.
  2. Streamline for better efficiency. I have a few areas in our home that just don’t function well. They’re necessary because we use them, and I KNOW there’s a better way for the things to work. I plan to rearrange for a better flow, and hopefully after I’ve reduced our belongings, a better function. Lord willing this will include an office area of sorts for me to work on the blog in. That makes me very excited.
  3. Organize. This year, I plan to focus on organizing the things that matter most…our “systems”. My menu plan, my cleaning list, and our farm work. I used to have systems in place that kept everything running smoothly, but then entered 2020. Suddenly, all of those well placed systems were thrown out of the window. Now with two children home 24/7, I need to update and renew how I do things to make it more practical for the way we live right now.

Being overwhelmed by the home is easy. It is my goal for this year is that, with the Lord’s help, I’ll be able to create the routines that keep the overwhelm at bay.

simple living decor simplify home and life

I am a firm believer that home is the most important place you’ll ever be. It is the most important work you’ll ever do. It’s where the most important people are, and it should be a happy, safe place.

I would LOVE to know what your goals are for this year, or if you’ve made any.

As always, thank you SO MUCH for spending a tiny part of your day with me.

signature text sunshine valley

Here’s an image to pin for later…

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  1. I read something and can’t remember where but it was to get rid of 2021 things in your house. They said write it down. Even if it’s the smallest thing. I have a couple boxes to take to the thrift store.

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