Day One- This is the day you make your starter. Mix the 1/2 cup of flour, and 1/2 cup of water together until it resembles a beige paste. It will be very wet, and sticky. It will almost resemble pancake batter. Cover loosely with a light towel (I use a flour sack towel), and let sit. Now is when the fun begins. You can start seeing bubbles in as little as 12 hours! Try to keep it in an area of the house that stays warm. A cool room can slow the action of the wild yeast down.
Day Two- Twenty four hours after you created your starter, lift the towel, and check for bubbles. If you see any, you can go ahead and give it "it's" first feeding. Simply add 1/2 cup of flour and 1/2 cup of water. Give it a good stir. If you don't see bubbles, don't lose heart. Stir it, cover it back over, and wait until tomorrow! Let it sit for 24 hours.
Day Three- Check for bubbles again. If you do see bubbles, remove half of the mixture (this is called discard. You can save it and use it for so many things. You can even use it to create a new starter to give to someone else.) and feed with 1/2 cup flour and 1/2 cup water. Stir it thoroughly to get it all incorporated. Let sit another 24 hours.
Day Four, Five and Six- you can feed your starter twice a day at this point with 1/2 cup flour and 1/2 cup water. Continue discarding half and feeding until